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procedures & Practices

As a short-term accommodation provider, we are acutely aware of our responsibility to ensure the safety of guests and staff at all times. We are following all specific Government advice (which has been produced in collaboration with VisitBritain, UKHospitality and The Professional Association of Self-Caterers UK, among others) and we are doing all we can to protect our guests.  We have developed a comprehensive Risk Assessment within the context of our personal situation, as well as Enhanced Cleaning Protocols.


We also trust in our guests to respect our local community and the procedures we work hard to implement, and we ask you to follow all current Government advice on travel. We also ask guests to agree to take individual responsibility for their own personal safety and day-to-day cleaning routines during their stay here. We have provided extra equipment and materials in order to make this easier.  

This document outlines the procedures and practices we introduced in 2020 in response to Covid-19, in order to put your mind at ease before and during your stay with us.


Before You Stay With Us

  • We already use contactless technology (all payments are carried out online with credit/debit card or  by BACS).  We do not accept cheque or cash bookings.

  • During the height of the pandemic, we were awarded a VisitEngland ‘Good to Go’ Certificate, the Industry Standard mark which demonstrates that The Nest has followed government and industry COVID-19 guidelines, as well as putting extra cleaning and social distancing measures in place. We have also been awarded the AA Industry Standard certificate - 'Covid-19 Confident'.

  • A welcome letter & pre-arrival/departure pack will be emailed to you 2 weeks in advance of your stay, explaining the latest guidelines, our procedures to meet these and pointing to various documentation on our website. We also include a full and comprehensive Information File, containing all aspects of the Nest – how everything works, instruction manuals, essential emergency information, contact numbers, useful links, local walks & places to visit/attractions.

In order to minimise the risk of contamination:

  • All crockery/cutlery/glassware is thoroughly checked for cleanliness before your arrival and is always put through the dishwasher if necessary.

  • All dishwasher & laundry tablets are individually wrapped.

  • All soap bars are individually wrapped.

  • Disposable slippers provided for each guest are new and pre-sealed in cellophane bags.


On Your Arrival

  • We have implemented a break of at least 24 hours between guest bookings, to allow adequate time to deep-clean, sanitise and fully air the Nest.  

  • I still dearly want to welcome guests as this is an important part of our personal approach, but we are aware that some people still wish to minimise contact.  If you would like to call at our door when you arrive I am able to say hello from a safe distance, as we have a very large driveway at the front. 

  • If you would like me to show you around the Nest I am happy to do this. Equally I'll understand if you would rather not, and this is why we leave your key for you to access yourself in a secure safe by the Nest door.

  • All communication after arrival and during your stay can be easily done via text messages, phone calls, emails (or even with a note popped in our postbox!) if you so wish

  • We provide a comprehensive Information File in The Nest hallway containing all aspects of the property . All printed sheets in this file are contained within plastic pockets and these are wiped down with a professional grade Antibacterial & Virucidal Sanitiser which conforms to BS EN14476. 

During Your Stay

  • If you are here for more than a week and an interim clean takes place, then you will be asked to vacate The Nest during this period of time.

  • Should any issues arise requiring essential maintenance, a visit will be arranged when you are out of the property when possible (unless it is an emergency)

  • Rubber gloves for washing dishes have been removed – you are asked to bring your own or use the disposable gloves provided

  • All teabags, coffee, sugar, and seasoning are now provided in individual sachets

  • You will be consulted in advance and if requested, freshly baked products within the usual welcome pack will be replaced by individually wrapped, pre-bought products.

  • You will be consulted in advance, and only those beds required will be made up for your stay.

  • Signage is used to reiterate hygiene practices such as handwashing to guests.


Important Action for Guests

We have provided for your use:

  • Cloths, disposable gloves, antibacterial /virucidal surface cleaner for hard surfaces ONLY (ie. Please DO NOT spray this on fabric or soft furnishings).   
    NB. Please DO NOT bring your own bleach-based cleaning products.  Bleach should not be used in our septic tank system.   We provide everything you should need, but do not hesitate to ask if you require any other cleaning product.

  • Hand sanitiser at the entrance door to the Nest, as well as antibacterial handwash & tissues at all sinks.


Guests are requested to:

  • Follow all UK Government advice for the duration of your stay with us, in order to continue to keep our community and themselves safe.

  • Air the property as much as is practically possible during your stay. 

  • Strip all beds used before departure and put all linen and towels in the laundry bags provided, in order to minimise contact for cleaning staff.

  • Empty all rubbish and recycling on departure.

  • Vacate the Nest on the day of departure at 10am prompt, as changeover cleans will only commence once you have left.

If you develop symptoms during your stay, we would appreciate you letting us know so we can take measures to ensure our cleaning staff are protected. 

Staff Training & Wellbeing

We have undertaken in-depth, ongoing training of cleaning staff to ensure knowledge, clear understanding, and skills of every task. This includes:

  • Training in cleaning routines, requirements, materials, products & any PPE equipment used.

  • Instructions on frequent handwashing /use of handsanitiser so that full government guidelines are followed, PPE disposal & procedures to protect their wellbeing.

  • We regularly liaise with our cleaner who lets us know immediately if she is not fit enough for work.

  • If the owner or our cleaner displays symptoms of Covid-19 or someone in their households has symptoms, that person will not enter the Nest for at least 5 days.

  • In this instance, a Return to Work Assessment will be carried out, to ensure the owner’s / cleaner’s recovery is clear.

  • We live next door to The Nest, so any maintenance issues are quickly apparent between guest visits. Therefore they are dealt with before guests arrive, in order to minimise contact during a stay.

Infectious Outbreak

We would appreciate if guests would let us know if they either feel unwell with Covid-19 symptoms, experience an infectious outbreak or are asymptomatic but feel the need to self-isolate whilst staying at The Nest.  We can then take measures to ensure our cleaning staff are protected at the end of your stay. 


Please refer to our Terms & Conditions if for any reason this is not possible and self-isolation is required to take place here.

© Nest at Winnall 2025

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